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Neurotron, Incorporated

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                 Established 1981

Neurometer® Laboratory Animal Research Publications

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  1. Liu, W-J, Jin, H-Y, Park, J-H, Baek, H-S, Park, T-S. Effect of rimonabant, the cannabinoid CB receptor antagonist, on peripheral nerve in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat. European Journal of Pharmacology 637, 70–76, 2010.

  2. Liu, W-J, et. Al.. Effect of rimonabant, the cannabinoid CB receptor antagonist, on peripheral nerve in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat. European Journal of Pharmacology Vol. 637, 70–76, 2010.

  3. Hayashi Y, Takimoto K, Chancellor MB, Erickson KA, Erickson VL, Kirimoto T, Nakano K, de Groat WC, Yoshimura N. Bladder hyperactivity and increased excitability of bladder afferent neurons associated with reduced expression of Kv1.4 alpha-subunit in rats with cystitis. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.  Vol. 296(5):R1661-70, 2009.

  4. Shibata T, Naruse K, Kamiya H, Kozakae M, Kondo M, Yasuda Y, Nakamura N, Ota K, Tosaki T, Matsuki T, Nakashima E, Hamada Y, Oiso Y, Nakamura J. Transplantation of Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improves Diabetic Polyneuropathy in Rats. Diabetes Vol 57. 3099-3107, 2008.

  5. Nagakura, Y., Malkmus, S., Yaksh, T. Determination of current threshold for paw withdrawal with sine-wave electrical stimulation in rats: Effect of drugs and alteration in acute inflammation. Pain,Vol. 134:293-301, 2008

  6. Matsumoto, M., Xie, W., Ma, L., Ueda, H. Pharmacological switch in A beta-fiber stimulation-induced spinal transmission in mice with partial sciatic nerve injury. Molecular Pain ,Vol. 4, (25), 2008.

  7. Fujiuchi, A., Toga, T. Pharmacologocal effect of capsaicin on rat avoidance behaviours elicited by sine-wave electrical stimulation of different frequencies by Neurometer. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology ,Vol. 60(4):467-71, 2008.

  8. Ueda, H. Peripheral mechanisms of neuropathic pain-involvement of lysophosphatidic acid receptor-mediated demyelination. Molecular Pain ,4:11, 2008.

  9. Ueda, H., Matsumoto, M. Novel sensory fiber-specific nociception test with the Neurometer. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi Vol. 131(5): 367-71, 2008

  10. Ritter, A-M., Parsons, K-A, McGowan, E., Abbadie, C. Evaluation of pharmacological effects in the rat using the Neurometer™. Journal of Pain Vol. 8 (4) S21, 2007.

  11. Inoue,M, Ma, L., Aoki, J.,Ueda, H. Autotaxin, a synthetic enzyme of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), mediates the induction of nerve-injured neuropathic pain. Molecular Pain ,Vol. 4: 6, 2008 .

  12. Abouassaly, R., Liu, G., Yamada, Y., Ukimura, O., Daneshgari, F. Efficacy of a Novel Device for Assessment of Autonomic Sensory Function in the Rat Bladder. Journal of Urology ,Vol. 179(3):1167-1172, 2008.

  13. Yamada, Y, Daneshgari, F., Liu, G., Li, N. Spinal c-fos expression induced by neuroselective electrostimulation of bladder afferent pathways. Society for Neuroscience, 821.2/FF17, 2007

  14. Krajnak, K., Waugh, S., Wirth, O., Kashon, M.L. Acute vibration reduces Abeta nerve fiber sensitivity and alters gene expression in the ventral tail nerves of rats. Muscle & Nerve ,Vol. 36(2):197-205, 2007.

  15. Matsumoto, ,M. Inoue, M., Hald, A., Xie, W., Ueda, H. Inhibition of Paclitaxel-Induced A-Fiber Hypersensitization by Gabapentin. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics ,Vol. 318(2): 318:735B740, 2006.

  16. Finkel, J., Besch, V., Hergen, A., Kakareka, J., Pohida, T., Melzer, J., Koziol, D., Wesley, R., Quezado, Z. Effects of Aging on Current Vocalization Threshold in Mice Measured by a Novel Nociception Assay. Anesthesiology, Vol. 105;360-9, 2006.

  17. Caissie, R., Gingras, M., Champigny, M., Berthod, F. In Vivo Enhancement of Sensory Perception Recovery in a TissueBEngineered Skin Enriched with Laminin. Biomaterials, Vol. 27(15):2988-2993, 2006.

  18. Melzer, J., Besch, V., Finkel, J., Quezado, Z. Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Does Not Impact on Sex Differences in Nociception. Anesthesiology, Vol. 105:A708, 2006.

  19. Kitagawa, N., Oda, M.,Nobutaka, I.,Satoh H., Totoki, T., Morimoto, M. A proposed mechanism for amitriptyline neurotoxicity based on its detergent nature. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology , Vol. 217:100-106, 2006..

  20. Melzer, J., Besch, V., Finkel, J., Quezado, Z. Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Does Not Impact on Sex Differences in Nociception. Anesthesiology, Vol. 105:A708, 2006.

  21. Finkel, J., Besch, V., Melzer, J., Kakareka, J., Quezado, Z. Role of NOS1 in Nociception. Anesthesiology, Vol. 105:A702, 2006.  National Institutes of Health, USA.

  22. Oda, M., Kitagawa, N., Yang, B-X., Totoki, T. Morimoto, M. Quantitative and fiber-selective evaluation of dose-dependent nerve blockade by intrathecal lidocaine in rats. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. 312(3):1132-1137, 2005.

  23. Akada, Y.; Mori, R.; Kato, Y.; Yamasaki, F.; Mochizuki, H._ Analgesic properties of the novel compound M43068 in rat models of acute and neuropathic pain_ European Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 523:46-53, 2005.        top of page      Previous page     Home

  24. Huang, X. Abouassaly, R., Liu, G., Ukimura, O., Daneshgari, F. Neurometer Measurement of Current Perception Threshold (CPT) in Rats Bladder. International Continence Society, 515, Montreal, 2005.

  25. Finkel, J.C., Hergen, A., Kakareka, J., Pohida, T., Quezado, Z.M.N. Development of a Non-injurious Neuro-specific Nociceptive Assay in Mice. American Society of Anesthesiology, Abstract Accepted for presentation. Annual Meeting ,2005.

  26. Besch, V., Hergen, A., Melzer, J., Koziol, D., Quezado, Z. The Effect of Aging on Nociception in Mice. Anesthesiology. Vol. 103:A1099, 2005.

  27. Koga, K., Furue, H., Rashid, M, Takaki, A., Katafuchi, T., Yoshimura, M. Selective activation of primary afferent fibers evaluated by sine-wave electrical stimulation. Molecular Pain, Vol. 1:13, 2005.

  28. Alkire, M.T., White, N.S., Hsieh, R., Haier, R.J. Dissociable Brain Activation Responses to 5 Hz Electrical Pain Stimulation: A High-field Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Anesthesiology, Vol. 100:939-46, 2004.

  29. Yamaguchi, T., Toya, T., Tamura, S., Takemoto, Y., Nagakura, Y., Kohara, A., Kiso, T., Kakimoto, S., Iwai, A., Akuzawa, S., Effects of NMDA receptor antagonists on the current stimulus threshold with the Neurometer® in rats. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 88(Sup 1.):230P, 2002.

  30. Oda, M., Kitagawa, N., Miyabe, T., Miyazaki, A., Totoki, T., Morimoto, M. Quantitative Evaluation of Lidocaine Neurotoxicity by Current Perception Threshold. American Society of Regional Anesthesia. PD 33, 2002.

  31. Oda, M. Kitagawa, N., Sakurada, T., Miyabe, T., Totoki, T., Morimoto, M. Is the Neurotoxic Concentration Predicted from Solution Property of Local Anesthetics Agreement with that Obtained from Animal Study?

  32. Kiso, T., Nagakura,, Y., Toya, T., Matsumoto, N., Tamura, S., Ito, H., Okada, M., Yamaguchi, T. Neurometer measurement of current stimulus threshold in rats. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. 297(1):352-356, 2001.

  33. Song, E.B., Yang, J.H., Kang, Y.K., Kim, S.J. Usefulness of Current Withdrawal Threshold on Evaluation of the Neuropathic Pain on Animal Model. Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 25(1):117-121, 2001.

  34. Mamiya, K., Yokohama, H., Mamiya, N., Takahata, O. Iwasaki, H. Pregnancy Increases Cutaneous Pain Thresholds to Electrical and Chemical Stimuli in the Rats. Anesthesiology, 95:A-748, 2001.

  35. Mamiya, K, Okaoda, H., Yokohama, K. Sengoku, K., Takahata, O., Iwazi, H. The effects of pregnancy-induced analgesia on sensory processing of the peripheral nerves in rats. Japanese Society of Anesthesiology, Annual Meeting, Poster Pd2N01, 2001.

  36. Miyabe, T., Kitagawa, N., Oda, Y., Sakutrata, T., Morimoto, T. Quantitative evaluation of lidocaine neurotoxicity by current perception thershold in rat. Japanese Society of Anesthesiology, Annual Meeting, Poster P2A05, 2001.

  37. Huang, M.-C., Lee,I.-H., Hsieh, K.-C. Chen, W.-C.Chang, Lee, L.S., Cheng, H. Sensory recovery in the repaired cervical roots. Society for Neuroscience Abstract,Vol. 26(1-2): 797.11, 2000.

  38. Katims, J.J., Ng, L.K.Y. Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation (TNS) Frequency Dependent Regional Increases in Rat Brain Metabolic Activity. International Journal of Acupuncture & Electrotherapeutics Research, Vol. 10(3): 223-224, 1985.

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