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Neurotron, Incorporated

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Neuroselectivity, Hyperesthesia and Pain


     Neuroselectivity Overview

     Hyperesthesia and Allodynia

     Pain Tolerance Threshold (PTT) and the Percentile Allodynia Test

     Direct Nerve Fiber Stimulation

      fMRI and Neurometer Evoked Sensation and Pain


[PDF version with References]


Neuroselectivity Overview (website references)


The Neurometer generates a constant alternating current (AC) stimulus to evoke nerve selective responses from major sub-populations of sensory nerve fibers. The three major sub-populations of sensory nerve fibers are defined by their morphologic, electrophysiologic and functional (e.g. pain vs. non-pain transmission) characteristics. The smallest diameter unmyelinated fibers comprise greater than eighty percent of the total fibers, possess the longest refractory periods and the slowest average conduction velocities (CV) of 1 m/s. In contrast, large diameter myelinated fibers comprise less than ten percent of the total fibers, have the briefest refractory periods and fastest average CV of 60 m/s. Neuroselectivity is achieved by using three different frequencies of an electrical sinewave stimulus (2000 Hz, 250 Hz and 5 Hz), taking advantage of this waveform’s frequency dependent rate of depolarization. Large diameter fibers can generate action potentials in response to the rapid 2000 Hz stimulus but small fibers require several milliseconds of continuous depolarization (i.e. low frequency stimulation, e.g., 5 Hz), to reach threshold potential. Large fibers will generate action potentials to the 5 Hz stimulus, but not at physiologically significant rates.  Additionally, the quantity of electrons or charge per depolarization of a 5 Hz sinewave (100 msec) is 400 times the charge and duration of a 2000 Hz sinewave depolarization (0.25 msec). Together, these factors result in the 2000 Hz stimulus selectively evoking physiologically significant large myelinated fiber responses and the 5 Hz stimulus selectively evoking physiologically significant unmyelinated fiber responses.

The neuroselective nature of the sinusoid waveform electrical stimulus was first demonstrated in a study comparing the application of a variety of waveform types on healthy individuals at Johns Hopkins in the 1980's. Neurometer measures have been compared with the results of other physiological /imaging, diagnostic, histologic and pharmaceutical studies. These and other studies involving nerve regeneration, ischemia and neuroselective pathological conditions have corroborated the neuroselective nature of this stimulus. The CPT measures also have the unique ability of evaluating pathologies such as hyperesthesia and hypoesthesia that may selectively occur in one or more subpopulations of sensory fibers while sparing the others.
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Hyperesthesia and Allodynia

Hyperesthesia, as measured by abnormally low neuroselective Current Perception Threshold (CPT) measures, reflects an increased electrical excitability of sensory nervous tissue for the evocation of responses. The resting membrane potential of the sensory nerve fiber increases as the result of stresses such as hyperglycemia. An elevated resting membrane potential decreases the intensity of the excitatory electrical stimulus required to reach the threshold required to evoke an action potential response. In other words, less electrical energy is required to evoke a neuronal response.

Hyperesthesia is reported in the early stages of progressive neuropathy affecting both pre-diabetics and newly diagnosed diabetics. Other early occurrences of hyperesthesia are present in alcoholism, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and radiculopathy. A different type of
hyperesthesia results from chronic hereditary sensory neuropathies associated with lysosomal storage disorders and primary biliary cirrhosis, demyelinating polyneuropathies and infectious conditions (eg. HIV, Lyme Disease). Other neurodiagnostic tests, (e.g. sensory nerve conduction velocity, quantitative tactile, vibration and thermal thresholds) are insensitive to the hyperesthetic condition which is often sub-clinical.



Progressive peripheral neuropathy can be characterized by stages of development. The earliest stage is most often sensory hyperesthesia, defined as abnormally low sensory thresholds or increased ability to respond to stimulation. This condition that represents, for example, the neuritis that can precede neuropathy or the radiculitis that can precede radiculopathy. The sensory Nerve Conduction Threshold (sNCT) Current Perception Threshold (CPT) measure is unique because it is the only neurodiagnostic test capable of detecting hyperesthesia. This is sometimes sub-clinical condition (eg. insulin resistance without diabetes, metabolic syndrome). Hyperesthetic conditions may be quantified in both large and small fibers. This condition may coexists with hypoesthetic measures from the same test site in different sub-populations of nerve fibers. Other Quantitative Sensory Tests (QSTs) and electrodiagnostic tests also lack this capability. The hyperesthetic measure does not imply a loss of function. This condition may precede symptomatology or be the most symptomatic. The pathological progression of sensory nerve hyperesthetic pathology may progress to hypoesthesia or, ultimately, anesthesia. Hypoesthesia is defined as abnormally elevated sensory thresholds or decreased ability to respond to stimulation. The advanced stages of neuropathy may also be associated with the loss of motor nerve function and symptoms of weakness. Treatment of the condition causing the neuropathy at the earliest stages, when it is limited to the sensory nerves should allow for a better prognosis. Sensory nerves can regenerate. Motor neuropathy resulting in muscle denervation (atrophy) is essentially an irreversible condition. There will be some collateral sprouting of axons but complete return of function, without surgical intervention, is rare. Early detection is the key to successful intervention.


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Pain Tolerance Threshold (PTT) and the Percentile Allodynia Test

When the Neurometer stimulus is administered at intensities greater than the painless CPT sensory threshold it is possible to evoke painful sensation. Under patient control, the maximum tolerable intensity neuroselective stimulus is defined as the Pain Tolerance Threshold (PTT). The PTT has been demonstrated to be a reliable measure for the evaluation of pain and select analgesic agents. Allodynia is characterized by increased sensitivity to a non-noxious stimulus which the subject characterizes as "painful". Allodynia may be evaluated by neuroselective Pain Tolerance Threshold (PTT) measures as well as the less painful “Percentile Allyodynia Test”. CPT hyperesthesia and PTT allodynia may occur as neuroselective and independent sensory conditions. For example, spinal opiates do not affect the 2000 Hz, 250 Hz or 5 Hz painless CPT measures or the 2000 Hz and 250 Hz PTT measures but they selectively elevate 5 Hz PTT measures in humans.  Similar Neurometer neuroselective response measures have been reported from rats.

Direct Nerve Fiber Stimulation

Neurometer CPT and PTT measures are not receptor or end-organ mediated. The electrical stimulus bypasses the end-organs and directly excites the nerve fibers. Skin freeze or burn lesions precipitate the local release of an “inflammatory broth” (e.g. bradykinins, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, substance P, etc.) which bind to receptors resulting in local sensory thermal and tactile threshold changes. Thermal allodynia (pain evoked by normally painless heat stimulus) and tactile allodynia (pain evoked by a normally painless tactile stimulus, e.g., Von Frey filament stimulus) occurs with these lesions. Research has demonstrated that sNCT electrical allodynia, however, does not occur with the skin freeze model and other differences between these types of stimuli that may be due to their different site of stimulation, i.e.,
end-organ vs direct nerve stimulation.

fMRI and Neurometer Evoked Sensation and Pain

Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies from the Massachusetts General Hospital demonstrate that heat pain and 5 Hz sNCT evoked pain increase metabolic activity in the same areas of the brain; however, there is a habituation to the heat pain stimulus that does not occur with the electrical pain stimulus.  Studies from the University of California at Irvine using high field functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (hfMRI) in healthy subjects brains using the 5 Hz CPT and PTT stimuli, demonstrated distinct CNS localizations for the discrimination of the stimulus intensity (primary somatosensory cortex, insula) versus the its pain intensity (secondary somatosensory cortex).   Using shielded electrode cables the Neurometer and fMRI are combined using an external computer control program for the functional/imaging evaluation of painless and pain evoked responses in the CNS.

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